How about some articles from around the ACC Blogoshphere?
Great work being done Syracuse NunesMagician. They started a campaign on their site to send Houston area kids to the Texas Bowl, where Sryacuse will play Minnesota. If you’re not going to your school’s bowl game, many schools have ways to donate tickets to military personal or local charities. I usually go the Chick Fil A bowl and renew my tickets each year. I can’t go this year and donated my tickets to a charity in a Atlanta. If you can afford to it’s not bad way to spend a little money.
It was good year in ACC Sports says ACC blog ACC Perscription. ACC Prescription not only looks at some of the athletic successes of the past year, but also the ACC effectively ending major expansion for the near future following their GOR signing.
How does a fanbase react when one of their players wins the Heisman? Well Tomahawknation tell us. Congratulations to Jameis Winston and Florida State on winning college football’s biggest individual award.
UNC has another chance for a quality OOC with 9-1 Texas coming to Chapel Hill on Thursday. TarHeelFanBlog previews the matchup. I think this is an important game for UNC. Texas is a good team, but one the Heels should at home. If UNC wins that game, I’ll be ready to completely close the book on the UAB and Belmont losses.
Clemson blog ShakintheSouthland is still smarting after the loss to South Carolina and is bothered by the apathy some Clemson fans have shown to losing that game.
Virginia Tech Hokie fans here’s something you may enjoy. GobblerCountry has a Q&A with Hokie basketball legend Malcolm Delaney. Check out what Malcolm has been up to.
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