How big has the Clemson vs Louisville game become?
According to Vivid Seats data from September 19, it is now 8th most in demand college football ticket in the country, ahead of Alabama vs LSU.
Another interesting point for ACC fans, Clemson, Florida State, and Louisville are all ranked in the top 7 of schools that when they go on the road raise ticket prices of a home team. Miami is ranked 25th.
Notre Dame because they play 5 ACC opponents a year should be noted. They are ranked number 3 in this category.
What does this all mean? It means that the ACC is now producing conference matchups, while still not as many as the SEC, that are some of the most in demand tickets in college football.
3 ACC vs ACC only matchups are in the top 20 most in demand games. For comparison the SEC has 6 such games, the Big 10 4, and the Pac 12 1, and the Big 12 just 1 each.