Jameis Winston needs guidance badly - SCACCHoops.com

Jameis Winston needs guidance badly

by Atlantic Coast Confidential

Posted: 9/16/2014 10:42:57 PM

Deadspin (NSFW, language) is reporting that numerous Florida State students allegedly observed Jameis Winston yelling an obscenity while standing atop a table. 

So, we have accusations of rape, accusations of theft, and now this apparent exercise in poor judgment.  The question that begs is when will Jameis Winston learn how to comport himself off the field with as much poise as he does on the field?  We keep expecting the last transgression to be the one that sinks in, only to be followed by another one.  He is not getting it.  He may have some success and reach financial heights few can imagine… but it will not end well.  He needs some guidance from someone.

In fact, we may be at a new moment in history where the antics of athletes simply are not going to be tolerated anymore.  And “antics” is not a fair word to describe the Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson issues that the NFL is dealing with.  We now have sponsors–hypocritical as they may be (beer companies waxing poetic about morality)–stating their displeasure with the NFL.  If some of these national sponsors decide to put their money elsewhere, you can believe this will have an impact.  If you do not have the character, you may not be able to rely on talent alone to be successful or to be able to maintain your success.  The talent is worthless if it does not enable the employer to profit.

Winston is not a lost cause.  He has age going for him.  Few of us have a portfolio as 20-year-olds that did not have embarrassments.  And social media was not recording it either.

But few of us have accusations that are criminal and offensive.  And if we did, few of us would have the ability to get special treatment to extricate us from our transgressions.  If it is not reality, it is certainly the perception that he has had such treatment.

What Winston really needs is guidance.  Someone to show him how to comport himself off the field.  Someone to show Winston how to be an adult, even if he barely qualifies for that chronological distinction. I do not know who that will be.  I just know that he needs it.

We have enough stories of athletes squandering immense talent or allowing their wealth to dissipate because of poor decisions.  We have stories of athletes losing their career to criminal misdeeds.  We do not need to add Winston to that list.  But what is clear is that Winston is dead set on adding his name to that list.  And that is disappointing.

In a world where numerous persons of all races and ethnicities are making fortunes, it is a shame that there is not a better way to mentor every prodigy with ridiculous talent.  Jimbo Fisher cannot relate to Winston.  But I am sure that there are professional athletes who can.  Of course, if there was a way to profit from it, folks would be stepping up to do it.  But there is no profit in being a mentor.  All you get is the pride in having steered someone’s life in the right direction.

Hopefully, the right person will step in to help Winston steer his life.

He needs it.  You know he needs it.  Hopefully, he knows it.  But I doubt it.

Or I hope he proves me wrong and learns (finally) from this event.

This article was originally published at http://www.atlanticcoastconfidential.com. If you are interested in sharing your website's content with SCACCHoops.com, Contact Us.


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