There will be no Battle of the Bluegrass on Wednesday.
Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images
Wednesday’s scheduled rivalry game between the Louisville and Kentucky men’s basketball teams has been postponed due to Covid issues within the U of L program.
The Cardinals announced via press release Monday morning that they are now on a pause.
Here’s the release:
The University of Louisville men’s basketball team has paused all team-related activities indefinitely due to multiple positive COVID-19 tests among individuals within the program, UofL Interim Director of Athletics Josh Heird announced on Monday.
As a result, the Cardinals’ scheduled Wednesday (Dec. 22) game at Kentucky has been postponed. Officials from Kentucky and Louisville will monitor opportunities in which the teams can reschedule the annual rivalry game.
Even though I don’t think any of us were feeling particularly confident about Wednesday night, this is still a major bummer. This is the biggest unofficial holiday in the state each and every year, and having a college basketball season without this game being played just feels wrong.
Here’s hoping that they’re able to get this game in at some point, and that the Cards are able to get back on the court sooner rather than later.
What a way to start the week.