Rankings: Syracuse Still No. 1, But Loses a Vote to Florida - SCACCHoops.com

Rankings: Syracuse Still No. 1, But Loses a Vote to Florida

by NunesMagician

Posted: 2/17/2014 12:39:28 PM

We needed something to gripe about, I guess...

This week's arbitrary rankings by coaches and media have arrived,and Syracuse remains No. 1 in both the AP and USA Today polls. But OF COURSE, someone had to go ahead and take a first-place vote away from us (we're getting there). If you'll recall, when Arizona was No. 1 and winning close games, they failed to lose votes to us. So this obviously boggles the mind.

The AP Voter(s) You Arbitrarily Love This Week: Everyone but one voter.

The AP Voter(s) You Arbitrarily Hate This Week: The Detroit Free-Press's Joe Rexrode, who boiled his rankings down to what he saw last week, rather than the entire season. As he told the AP: "Simply put, I watched both teams play both games last week and I think Florida is the best team in the country. That's pretty much it." Sure! #AddHimToTheList


At least Syracuse was still a unanimous No. 1 choice in the Coaches Poll. So take solace in that.

For those curious where the rest of the ACC teams were slotted in this week's polls, Duke is fifth in the AP Poll and sixth in the Coaches Poll, respectively. Virginia moved up to 14th in the AP and 13th in the Coaches. North Carolina and Pittsburgh both found themselves on the outside looking in on the Top 25, though the Heels are a Duke upset away from being elevated up.

Obviously it's a very Syracuse-y thing to do, to complain about losing a first-place vote in the AP Poll when we hold the other 64. But again, seems nonsensical to move us down when we still haven't lost. That or anything else bother you about the polls this week? Weigh in below.

This article was originally published at http://nunesmagician.com (an SB Nation blog). If you are interested in sharing your website's content with SCACCHoops.com, Contact Us.


Categories: Duke, Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Virginia

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