What Makes Basketball The Best Sport? - SCACCHoops.com

What Makes Basketball The Best Sport?

by WebMaster

Posted: 3/6/2019 1:00:07 AM

Luckily, if you are a sports fan, there are dozens of different sports that you can enjoy. Each one will have its own unique way of being played and watched, but there is something particularly special about basketball, and for many, it truly is the best sport in the world. Why is this, and what does basketball have that so many other sports just don’t?

It’s Exciting

If nothing else, basketball is a hugely exciting game to be involved in. Whether you’re watching, playing, or have placed a bet at Unibet on the outcome of a game, the thrill is massive, and it makes people want to be involved over and over again.

Having something exciting to look forward to is good for you. It will help you get through bad days, and it will keep your mind focused on achieving your goals. Productivity for those who are looking forward to something is far higher than those with nothing exciting in their immediate future, as Facile Things points out.

It Is Accessible

One of the most wonderful things about basketball is that it is accessible. Basketball is an easily accessible sport for those with disabilities – wheelchairs can be used to play this game, for example.

Everyone deserves the chance to play sport, no matter what their level of physical fitness might be or what disabilities they might have, and therefore the fact that basketball is so accessible to anyone who might want to play puts it far out in front in terms of being the best sport to enjoy.

Teams and Individuals

Basketball is most definitely a team sport, but it also allows individuals to shine through, and one player really can make a huge difference. A basketball team is a lot smaller than a baseball or football team, for example, which means that everyone will be able to make a contribution to the game, whether that contribution is big or small. This shows that the team needs to work together, which The Balance explains is important in all areas of life. Individuals have to work hard too – everyone is included and important.

It’s Inexpensive To Play

Some sports are, sadly, prohibitively expensive to get into. The cost of the equipment and the uniform alone can run to hundreds of dollars, if not more, and that means it can exclude many people who would love to play but just can’t afford to.

Basketball is different. In many neighborhoods, there will be a basketball court, or at least some hoops set up somewhere central. If not, buying hoops is a cheap thing to do, and they can be set up in your own yard. One ball and two hoops are all you need to be able to play a game. You don’t even need special protective equipment; just wear a t-shirt and shorts as well as tennis shoes, and you’re set.

It’s Physically Good For You

If you play basketball as well as watch it, you’ll know how good you feel afterward. Basketball is great for your overall health. You’ll be moving all the time, giving your entire body a full workout, plus you’ll be thinking of strategy and where to move to next, so your brain can be exercised too.

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