Man, USA Today’s Eric Prisbell is becoming a real thorn in P.J. Hairston’s side.
Quick recap:
The North Carolina shooting guard was pulled over and arrested back in June; pot, no license, maybe a gun. However, the real story to basketball fans was the rental car, a 2013 GMC Yokon, that P.J. Hairston was driving. Well, we soon learned from Pack Pride that the renter of the car was Haydn “Fats” Thomas. A shady character to say the least, Thomas is a convicted felon, currently out on bail for drugs and gun charges, who was connected to the Duke Lacrosse rape trial. He claimed he didn’t know Hairston or even other UNC players, despite evidence that said he did (photos, twitter, etc). He claimed he had rented the car to one of Hairston’s passengers, Miykeal Faulcon.
However, according to Eric Prisbell, who spoke to Faulcon’s mother, that’s not the case.
Trudy Ransom, Miykael Faulcon's mom, says her son has "no relationship" with Fats Thomas, adding, "I have no idea why he keeps saying that."
— Eric Prisbell (@EricPrisbell) July 9, 2013
I asked Faulcon's mom how her son wound up in the Fats-rented Yukon with PJ Hairston. "My son is a friend of PJ Hairston," she said.
— Eric Prisbell (@EricPrisbell) July 9, 2013
This is interesting, but at the same time, this is the boy’s mother. Does she really know every single person her son hangs out with? Doubtful. I can’t blame her for trying to protect her son.
However, I will say this. Since it is fact that Hairston was pulled over in a second car (a 2012 Chevy Camero) that was rented by someone who shares an address with Fat Thomas, plus it was reported today by Laura Keeley at the News Observer that the Camero received two tickets on the Carolina campus, I’m willing to give Faulcon’s mom the benefit of the doubt over Thomas right now.
It is good to see that P.J. Hairston is not letting this whole mess get in the way of a good time.
*** UPDATE ***
USA Today is reporting that there were nine cars that were rented by Fats Thomas and associates that received parking tickets on the UNC campus. Obviously there is no proof that Hairston or any other member of the Tar Heels team were in all those cars, but one would have to wonder why Fats was on the campus so much and why can’t the dude find a parking spot that won’t result in a ticket.