That sound you hear was Mary Willingham and Jay Smith weeping.
A bit of news as it related to the AFAM Academic Scandal. UNC Chancellor Carol Folt has announced the school's SACS probation has ended.
I am pleased to let you know that The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges informed me today that the board is maintaining our accreditation and removing our University from probation.
This can be filed under "as expected" since UNC's accreditation was never really in jeopardy. It also should be noted the academic governing body has investigated UNC's academic scandal and addressed it accordingly. All that's left is the athletic governing body to address UNC's academic scandal. Wait...what?
Of course Doc points to the real benefit of the whole SACS process.
But hey, 500+ Pack Pride board monkeys became experts in higher ed accreditation in last yr
— Doc Kennedy (@DocHeelfire) June 16, 2016
You may now go back to not caring about SACS.